Avail SpoonFeeding U’s services for all your food cravings. You can customise your meals based on your diet and taste and do it within your budget limits.

SpoonFeeding U is all about serving quality food that tantalises your senses and keeps you wanting for more. Our plans are very cost-efficient so that your filled stomachs do not compensate for your spent pockets

Why Choose US?

 Doctors- For your erratic schedules and health needs, plan your meals with SpoonFeeding U. Lay your dietary concerns to rest. We will ensure that your food will be on time with the priority being its deliciousness.

 Airline Crew- Be it late night or early morning call, be ready to go with tasty packed meals by SpoonFeeding U. Your meals will be waiting at your doorstep when you come home after being on your feet for days or when you have to be out of your bed before the sun rises.

 Fitness Enthusiasts-SpoonFeeding U is your cheerleader on your journey to your fitness goals. Lay down your dietary needs and get healthy food that does not discount the taste. Kindly go through our menu’s Health Zone (Hyperlink ‘Health Zone’) or enjoy your food your way. – 

 Age-Specific Hospitality- Order customized spreads for the kids, elderly or youth. SpoonFeeding U is equipped to prepare the best meals for all groups. Our food can be customized as per their spices and grain to suit the health needs of children and the elderly. Young adults, we got something for you. Plan your home-alone weekends with friends and enjoy the evening without any concerns about the cleanup. SpoonFeeding U will provide services you want the way you want.